Divine Sugar 1820 Turnpike


1820 Turnpike Street in North Andover is leasing to the Divine Sugar Cake Shop. Divine Sugar, a family run business, specializes in Brazilian style cakes and desserts.  The shop plans to be open for business by the end of the year.  Brazilian cuisine offers a wide variety of delicious cakes, each with its unique flavors and characteristics.  Divine Sugar Cake Shop. Randy Tibbetts of Tibbetts Real Estate negotiated the lease.

Here is a popular list of Brazilian cakes.

Types of Brazilian cakes


Brigadeiro Cake: Brigadeiro is a famous Brazilian chocolate sweet, and the cake version often features layers of chocolate cake with brigadeiro frosting and chocolate sprinkles.

Bolo de Rolo: This is a rolled sponge cake with various fillings, such as guava paste or doce de leite (milk caramel). It’s a traditional dessert from the state of Pernambuco.

Quindim: Quindim is a bright yellow, sweet custard cake made with ingredients like sugar, egg yolks, and coconut.

Beijinho Cake: Beijinho is another popular Brazilian sweet similar to brigadeiro, but it’s made with coconut. The cake version often features a coconut cake with beijinho frosting.

Cocada Cake: Cocada is a coconut-based sweet, and the cake version incorporates coconut in the cake layers and frosting. It can be found in various regions of Brazil.

More Cakes

Bolo de Cenoura or carrot cake: is made with grated carrots, often mixed with chocolate or a chocolate ganache topping. It’s a popular dessert in Brazil.

Tres Leches Cake (Bolo de Três Leites): This cake is inspired by the Latin American dessert and is soaked in a mixture of three different types of milk (condensed m

ilk, evaporated milk, and heavy cream) to create a moist and sweet treat.

Cassava Cake (Bolo de Mandioca): Made from cassava or yuca root, this cake has a unique texture and flavor. It’s common in the northern regions of Brazil.

Corn Cake (Bolo de Milho): This cake is made with cornmeal or corn kernels, giving it a slightly sweet and nutty flavor. It’s often enjoyed during Festa Junina, a Brazilian festival.

Goiabada Cake: Goiabada is a type of guava paste, and this cake features layers of cake with goiabada filling.

These are just a few examples of the many delicious cakes you can find in Brazilian cuisine. Each region of Brazil has its own traditional cakes and desserts, and the country’s diverse culture has contributed to a rich tapestry of flavors and sweets.

1820 Turnpike Street North Andover MA 01845

1820 Turnpike has a few retail businesses on site including; The Candy Dish, AGLOW Air Brush Tanning and Ani Eyelusion.

Real estate taxes too high? Do you feel your real estate assessment is too high? Filing for a real estate tax abatement in North Andover Massachusetts involves a specific process with common steps to follow. An abatement is a lowering of the assessed value on real or personal property. The lower assessment results in a lower tax bill. Abatements may be issued for reasons of:

Overvaluation – the assessed value is too high compared to the actual real estate market.

Disproportionate Assessment – property is assessed in excess of assessments of comparable properties.

Improper Classification – for instance, a property is classified as commercial land when it is actually residential land.

Statutory Exemption – the property is exempt from taxation based on use.

Are you eligible for a rebate?

Understand Eligibility: To be eligible for a tax abatement, you typically need to demonstrate that your property is over-assessed or incorrectly assessed. Common reasons for seeking an abatement include a recent decline in your property’s value, errors in the assessment, or physical damage to the property that affects its value. Research your city or town’s specific eligibility criteria.

Check Deadlines: North Andover has specific deadlines for filing an abatement application. You must meet this deadline to be considered.

Before proceeding, consider consulting a real estate professional to get a true market value of your property, a tax professional or attorney who specializes in property taxes to help you navigate the process, especially if your case is complex or if you are unsure of the eligibility criteria and evidence required for your specific situation.

What next?

Obtain the Abatement Application: Contact your local tax assessor’s office or visit their website to obtain the necessary abatement application form. In some cases, this may be available online.

Gather Supporting Documentation: Collect any documents or evidence that support your claim for a tax abatement. This may include recent appraisals, photographs, or any other information that demonstrates your property’s overassessment or the reason for your request.

Complete the Application: Fill out the abatement application form accurately and completely. Be sure to include all required information, such as your property details, the reasons for your request, and the supporting documentation.

File the Application: Submit your completed application to your local tax assessor’s office. It’s recommended to keep a copy of the application and any supporting documents for your records.

Review and Decision: The assessor’s office will review your application. They may contact you for additional information or clarification. They will determine whether your request is valid and whether a tax abatement is warranted.

Decision Notification: You will receive a decision in writing from the tax assessor’s office. If your abatement request is approved, you will receive a revised property tax bill reflecting the lower amount.

Appeal if Necessary: If your abatement request is denied, you may have the option to appeal the decision. The appeal process varies by municipality, but it typically involves filing an appeal with the local board of assessors or the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board.

Pay Taxes: Continue to pay your property taxes based on your original tax bill until a decision is reached regarding your abatement request.

It’s crucial to follow your specific city or town’s guidelines and deadlines for real estate tax abatement applications, as they can vary. Some communities may have additional forms or requirements.

Action by the Assessing Department

The Assessing Department has three months from the date of filing to process all abatement applications. You will be informed of the status of the application through the following notices:
NOTICE OF APPROVAL: The Assessing Department will abate the amount specified in the notice. If the tax has been paid, the taxpayer will be reimbursed by the city.
NOTICE OF DENIAL: No abatement will be granted. A denial will be issued in cases where the Assessing Department has made a decision based on the merits of the abatement application.
NOTICE OF DEEMED DENIAL: An application is deemed denied if the department has not made a decision on an abatement application within three (3) months of its filing date.

If you are dissatisfied with the decision of the Assessing Department, you may file an appeal to the Appellate Tax Board. It is located at 399 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108-5292. The telephone number is 617-727-3100.  Appeal to the Appellate Tax Board



Building wealth through real estate is a goal pursued by many investors, but it’s important to recognize that it typically requires a combination of strategy, knowledge, resources, and time. Here are some steps and strategies to consider if you want to build wealth through real estate:

Educate Yourself: Start by learning about the real estate market, including different types of properties, financing options, and local market conditions. Read books, take courses, and follow real estate news to gain a solid understanding.

Set Clear Goals: Define your financial goals and investment strategy. Are you looking for short-term profits, long-term wealth, or passive income from rental properties? Having clear objectives will guide your decisions.

Build a Solid Financial Foundation: Real estate often requires significant upfront capital. Ensure you have a good credit score, an emergency fund, and manageable debt before starting your real estate journey.

Develop a Business Plan: Treat real estate investing as a business. Create a detailed business plan that outlines your strategies, financing options, and expected returns on investment.

Start Small: Consider beginning with a single property or a smaller real estate investment, like a duplex or a single-family home. This will allow you to gain experience and learn the ropes without taking on too much risk.

Choose the Right Location: Location is a critical factor in real estate. Look for areas with strong job growth, good schools, low crime rates, and potential for appreciation in property values.

Understand Financing: Learn about different financing options, including mortgages, hard money loans, and seller financing. Explore the best financing option for your investment goals and financial situation.

Invest in Income-Producing Properties: Rental properties can provide a steady stream of income. Select properties that have the potential for positive cash flow after expenses, such as mortgage payments, taxes, insurance, and maintenance.

Leverage Your Investments: Real estate often allows you to use leverage by borrowing money to purchase properties. When used wisely, leverage can amplify your returns, but it also comes with risks, so be cautious.

Add Value: Look for properties that you can add value to through renovations, improvements, or better management. Increasing the property’s value can lead to higher rents and greater appreciation.

Diversify Your Portfolio: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. Diversify your real estate investments to spread risk. Consider different types of properties (e.g., residential, commercial, industrial) and various locations.

Network: Build a network of real estate professionals, including real estate agents, property managers, contractors, and other investors. Networking can provide valuable insights and opportunities.

Be Patient: Real estate investing is often a long-term game. Be prepared for market cycles and fluctuations, and avoid making hasty decisions based on short-term trends.

Seek Professional Advice: Consult with real estate professionals, financial advisors, and attorneys to ensure you’re making informed decisions and complying with all relevant laws and regulations.

Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your real estate portfolio and financial goals. Make adjustments as needed to align with your objectives and market conditions.

Building wealth through real estate is achievable but requires careful planning, perseverance, and an understanding of the risks involved. It’s essential to be patient and adaptable as you work toward your wealth-building goals.

North Andover general business district zoning refers to the process of designating specific areas of land for particular uses or purposes, typically governed by local or municipal governments through zoning regulations or ordinances. One of the commercial zones in North Andover is the General Business District which allows for certain types of businesses. These regulations are a fundamental part of urban planning and land use management and serve many important functions.

Zoning decisions are often made through a public process that involves community input, public hearings, and consideration of factors such as the comprehensive plan, neighborhood character, and the needs of the community. It’s important to consult with local zoning authorities and professionals, such as real estate agents, land use attorneys, or urban planners, when dealing with real estate transactions and development projects to ensure compliance with zoning regulations. North Andover commercial space for sale and lease.

The list of approved businesses in the North Andover General Business District zoning are listed below. North Andover zoning map.


North Andover Massachusetts



  1. A. Retail stores and wholesale stores, salesrooms, funeral parlors, showrooms or places for any professional, artistic or mercantile activity, not involving manufacturing; also, retail bakeries or retail confectioneries.
  2. Banks, offices and municipal, civic, or public service buildings, such as a post office, telephone exchange, Town offices, school, library, museum, place of worship, local passenger station.
  3. Hall, club, theater, or other place of amusement or assembly.
  4. Automobile service and filling stations, automobile storage and repair garages, including automobile body repairs and painting, and automobile sales agencies for new and used cars, provided there are not displayed or stored outdoors on such premises more than 25 automobiles or other vehicles.
  5. Restaurant, dining room or lunchroom.
  6. Residential use where such use is not more than 50% of the total floor space in the structure.
  7. Any accessory use customarily incident to any of the above permitted uses, provided that such accessory use shall not be injurious, noxious, or offensive to the neighborhood.
  8. Agriculture, horticulture, floriculture, viticulture or silviculture.

(1)          Farming of crops and row crops, truck gardens, orchards, plant nurseries, and greenhouses.

(2)          On any lot of at least three acres, the keeping of a total of not more than three of any kind or assortment of animals or birds in addition to the household pets of a family living on such lot, and for each additional acre of lot size to five acres, the keeping of one additional animal or bird; but not the keeping of animals, birds, or pets of persons not resident on such lot.

(3)          On any lot of at least five acres, the keeping of any number of animals or birds regardless of ownership and the operation of equestrian riding academies, stud farms, dairy farms, and poultry batteries.

(4)          The sale of products raised as a result of the above uses on the subject land.

  1. Day-care center by special permit.


Securing a mortgage is a significant step towards homeownership, and one of the most crucial factors to consider is the interest rate. Mortgage interest rates can have a profound impact on the total cost of your loan over time. But have you ever wondered what influences these rates? In this blog post, we’ll delve into the factors that shape mortgage interest rates, helping you understand the dynamics that determine how much you’ll pay for your home loan.

Economic Indicators:

The overall health of the economy plays a vital role in determining mortgage interest rates. Key economic indicators that influence rates include:

Inflation: When the economy experiences high inflation, lenders often raise interest rates to protect against the eroding purchasing power of money.

Employment Data: Low unemployment rates and strong job growth can lead to higher demand for housing, which in turn might drive interest rates upward.

Central Bank Policies:

The decisions made by central banks, such as the U.S. Federal Reserve, have a significant impact on mortgage rates. Central banks adjust short-term interest rates, which can influence borrowing costs throughout the economy.

Federal Funds Rate: Changes in the federal funds rate can affect short-term interest rates, which then filter into mortgage interest rates.

Credit Risk and Loan Characteristics:

Lenders assess the risk associated with each borrower and loan. The riskier the loan, the higher the interest rate.

Credit Score: A higher credit score often leads to a lower interest rate, as it signifies a lower risk of default.

Down Payment: A larger down payment can reduce the lender’s risk, potentially resulting in a lower interest rate.

Damaged Credit: Repairing your credit can greatly help decrease your mortgage interest rate.

Loan Duration:

The length of your mortgage term can impact the interest rate. Shorter-term loans (e.g., 15-year fixed) generally have lower interest rates compared to longer-term loans (e.g., 30-year fixed).

Interest Rate Risk: Lenders consider the risk of interest rates rising over a longer loan term, which can affect long-term loan rates.

Market Conditions:

Mortgage rates can fluctuate based on supply and demand in the lending market.

Investor Demand: If investors show strong interest in mortgage-backed securities, lenders may lower rates to attract borrowers.

Housing Market: High demand for homes can lead to increased demand for mortgages and potentially higher interest rates.

Global Factors:

Global events and economic conditions can indirectly influence mortgage rates.

Global Economy: Economic stability or instability in major economies around the world can impact interest rates.

Global Markets: Financial crises or geopolitical events can lead to a flight to safety, which might lead to lower mortgage rates.


Mortgage interest rates are the result of a complex interplay between economic factors, government policies, borrower characteristics, and market dynamics. As a potential homebuyer, understanding these influences can help you anticipate rate fluctuations and make informed decisions about when to lock in your rate. While you may not have control over all these factors, being well-informed can empower you to secure a mortgage that aligns with your financial goals and circumstances.

Natural disasters, like what towns and communities in Massachusetts’s have experienced have the potential to wreak havoc on our lives and properties. Flooding stands out as one of the most destructive forces of nature. As climate change continues to impact weather patterns, the risk of flooding has increased significantly in many regions. In this blog post, we will dive into the world of flood insurance – what it is, why it’s important, and how it works. Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, or business owner, understanding flood insurance can be a crucial step in protecting your assets.

What is Flood Insurance?

Flood insurance is a specialized type of insurance coverage designed to provide financial protection in the event of flood-related damage to your property. Unlike typical homeowner’s insurance, which usually excludes coverage for floods, flood insurance specifically addresses damages caused by rising water, heavy rainfall, storm surges, or other water-related incidents. This coverage is typically offered through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in the United States, as well as through some private insurance companies.

Why is Flood Insurance Important?

Limited Coverage in Standard Policies: Most standard homeowner’s insurance policies do not cover flood damage. As many home owners in North Andover have found out; this means that if your property gets damaged due to flooding, you would be responsible for covering the repair and replacement costs out of your own pocket, which can be financially devastating.

Increasing Risk of Flooding: With the changing climate, the risk of flooding has increased in many areas. Even if you live in a region that hasn’t historically been prone to flooding, the changing weather patterns and increased urbanization can lead to unexpected flood events.

Peace of Mind: Floods can strike without warning, leaving little time to prepare. Having appropriate  insurance provides you with peace of mind, knowing that you have a financial safety net in place should the worst happen.

How Does Flood Insurance Work?

Flood insurance policies typically cover two main components: building property coverage and personal property coverage.

Building Property Coverage: This part of the policy helps cover the physical structure of your home or property, including its foundation, walls, electrical systems, plumbing, appliances, and more. It’s important to accurately assess the value of your property to ensure you have adequate coverage.

Personal Property Coverage: This component covers your belongings, such as furniture, electronics, clothing, and other personal items. Keep an inventory of your possessions along with their estimated values to facilitate the claims process.


Coverage Limits: Flood policies have coverage limits, which means there’s a maximum amount the policy will pay out. Be sure to understand these limits and consider purchasing additional coverage if your property’s value exceeds the limit.

Waiting Period: Many flood insurance policies have a waiting period before they become effective. This means you can’t purchase coverage just before a flood is predicted to arrive for immediate protection. Planning ahead is key.

Elevation and Risk Factors: Premiums can vary based on your property’s elevation and its proximity to flood-prone areas. The higher the risk, the higher the premium.


Insurance for flooding is a vital tool in safeguarding your property and possessions from the devastating effects of flooding. With climate change increasing the frequency and severity of flood events, the importance of having appropriate coverage cannot be overstated. By understanding what this type of insurance covers, why it’s crucial, and how it functions, you can make informed decisions to protect your investments and find peace of mind in an increasingly unpredictable world.

The soaring real estate prices in Boston, Massachusetts suburb have significantly impacted surrounding suburbs. Pushing suburb home prices at an all time high. The current real estate market in Boston Massachusetts is experiencing a significant surge in prices. With its thriving economy, rich history, and vibrant culture, Boston has become one of the most sought-after cities for real estate investment.  As property values continue to rise within the city limits, many prospective homebuyers are turning their attention to the suburbs in search of more affordable housing options.

Suburb demand

This demand for housing in Boston has created a ripple effect, causing an increase in prices throughout the suburban market. Families and individuals who were once drawn to these areas for their affordability are now finding themselves faced with skyrocketing prices that rival those within the city.  Buyers looking for more space, quieter neighborhoods, and access to quality schools are finding attractive options in the suburbs surrounding Boston. From historic towns with charming New England architecture to modern developments with state-of-the-art amenities, there is a diverse range of properties available. The increased interest, with prices steadily rising over recent years leading to Suburb home prices at an all time high. The demand for homes in these areas has led to a limited inventory and increased competition among buyers.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place

This surge in real estate prices has several implications for both current residents and potential buyers. Firstly, it is becoming increasingly challenging for individuals to enter the housing market, particularly first-time homebuyers who may be priced out of their desired neighborhoods. Additionally, existing homeowners may find themselves with substantial equity gains but struggle to afford larger homes within their communities.

Investors and builders

Investors are also recognizing the potential for long-term growth in these suburban markets. With ongoing development projects and infrastructure improvements, such as expanded transportation options and commercial centers, these areas offer promising investment opportunities. but there is little land for sale to acquire that is developable. Investors have needed to get creative with buying older  tear down properties and building new.


While prices may vary depending on specific locations within the suburbs, overall, Boston’s suburban real estate market remains strong. Buyers should be prepared for competitive bidding situations and act swiftly when they find a property that meets their needs. Buyers considering purchasing a home or investing in real estate near Boston should explore its vibrant suburbs. They can provide you with an array of options at varying price points. The current market conditions indicate that now may be an opportune time to explore these suburban areas before prices potentially rise further.





BOSTON MARKET  known as the Boston Market in North Andover is closing as Atlantic Retail has a for lease sign on the property. This property is actually located in Lawrence MA as it is one of many strange town and county lines that runs through Massachusetts. Actual address: 435 Winthrop Ave, Lawrence, MA 01843

Boston Market North Andover closing

Boston Market originally named “Boston Chicken” started in a suburb of… Boston. Founders Arthur Cores and Steven Kolow initially launched the concept in Newton, MA back in 1985. By the early ’90s the franchise began to expand quickly with new restaurants popping up all over the northeast. They got ahead of themselves and eventually had to file for bankruptcy. McDonald’s Corporation jumped in and came to the rescue, purchasing Boston Market in 2000. McDonald’s purchased the company for its real estate, but found the brand serviceable and therefore continued to operate and expand. (they would later sell to Sun Capital Partners in 2007, who would then sell to Engage Brands/The Rohan Group in 2020).

Boston Market History

When it was known as Boston Chicken, restaurants specialized in rotisserie chicken and a variety of side dishes. By February 1995, the chain expanded its menu to include turkey, meatloaf, and ham. The name was changed to Boston Market in fall 1995 to reflect this. However, the corporate name remained “Boston Chicken, Inc.” until 1997. When it became so popular with the new name, the corporate name was changed to “Boston Market Corporation.”

In 1996, the chain launched a line of sandwiches known as “Boston Carver Sandwiches”. They featured chicken, turkey, ham, and meatloaf; in 1997, due to the success of the new line, the “Extreme Carver” sandwiches were launched, filled with more portions of the above meats and more cheese than the originals. In 2005, Boston Market also started offering limited-time offers, such as Crispy Country Chicken, an oven-baked chicken breast with gravy. Baked whitefish, haddock or cod was also offered on Fridays during Lent. Boston Market continues to introduce new items and flavors, such as their popular BBQ Ribs, Oven Crisp Chicken, and Parmesan Tuscan Chicken Premium Dish. In April 2018, Boston Market announced that it was expanding its menu to offer rotisserie prime rib nationwide, three days a week.

The real estate market has seen a significant change over the past couple years. The new norm is with low inventory higher real estate prices. With inventory at an all time low.  This scarcity of available properties has created challenges for buyers and sellers alike. However, it is important to understand the underlying factors contributing to this issue and explore potential solutions.

The rising prices in the real estate market have been driven by various factors;

  • Increased demand
  • Limited supply
  • Economic growth

As more people are looking to invest in properties or find their dream homes, the competition has intensified. This surge in demand has outpaced the rate at which new properties are being developed or listed for sale, resulting in low inventory levels.

Buyer options

For buyers, this means limited options and increased competition for the available properties. It can be frustrating to search for a suitable property only to find that there are very few choices available. Additionally, the high demand often leads to bidding wars and inflated prices. This makes it even more challenging for buyers to secure a property within their budget.

To address the issue of low inventory in real estate, there are several potential solutions that can be explored. One approach is encouraging new construction projects to increase the supply of housing units. This can be achieved through incentives provided by local governments or collaborations between developers and public-private partnerships.

Another solution is promoting urban redevelopment initiatives that focus on revitalizing existing neighborhoods and repurposing underutilized spaces. By transforming vacant buildings or unused land into residential units, we can effectively increase housing availability without encroaching on natural habitats or green spaces.

Additionally, technological advancements such as virtual reality tours and online platforms have made it easier for buyers to explore properties remotely without physically visiting each one. This can help streamline the buying process and provide more efficient access to available properties, even in a low inventory market.

Higher rates

The correlation between higher interest rates and rising prices in the real estate market cannot be ignored. As interest rates increase, the cost of borrowing money for potential homebuyers also rises. This can lead to a decrease in demand for real estate, which in turn can result in a surplus of inventory and lower prices. Although mortgage rates have most likely peaked, prices are increasing. Demand here in Essex county MA is still strong with listing days on the market for properties in the teens or even single digits. Buyers are in line for a property that fits their needs keeping inventory levels low.

Towns such as Andover MA , North Andover MA, Middleton MA, North Reading and Haverhill MA are still showing very low inventories of single family homes, condominiums and multi-families.

Local homes for sale

real estate for sale in Andover & North Andover MA

Low inventory higher prices

It is important to note that other factors such as location, economic conditions, and housing supply also play significant roles in determining real estate prices. However, the impact of higher interest rates on affordability and buyer behavior should not be underestimated.

In conclusion, it is clear that higher interest rates have a direct influence on real estate prices. As borrowing costs increase, demand may decrease and inventory levels may rise. Therefore, it is crucial for investors and homebuyers to carefully consider the prevailing interest rate environment when making decisions related to real estate transactions.







Lot for sale North Andover MA. Buildable 1.04 Acre lot in North Andover! This rare buildable lot is located in a quiet location amongst many handsome single family homes with many newly constructed homes over the past few years. 150 feet of street frontage. This lot is level with a slope at the rear of the property and wooded with easy access to RT 125 and then to I93.

This location is convenient for recreational hiking, biking and fishing at the Harold Parker State Forest or simply a refreshing walk through the woods. The Town of North Andover has this property zoned as Residence 2 with electric and water at the street. Why buy used when you have the opportunity to build new! Don’t miss the opportunity to build your dream home. Buyers and buyers agents to do their own due diligence as information gathered has come from third parties.

TYPE of PROPERTY LAND / LOT ID: 107.D-0051-0000.0


Town of North Andover MA MAP GEO


Lot for sale North Andover MA

150 Feet of street frontage

Lot for sale North Andover MA

Town of North Andover MA wetlands map


North Andover Property Card


Boston Street Walk through video